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Willow Grove

Print the TEMAS flyer and mail it in

Class Meeting Time:

No program available this session.

Class Meeting 6 Dates
(2017/18 Session):

For class information contact

Master Chris Brandt

(858) 487-6470


at Manna's MArtial Arts

12285B WOrld Trade Drive

San Diego, CA 92128

Important Information:


Students are required to have an approved uniform: ages 5 & 6 Little Dragons and ages 7 and up Dragons uniform. They will train on the grass with bare feet; tennis shoes are required if we are on dirt or asphalt.

Makeup Lessons & Refunds

If weather does not permit class to be held, a class will be added to the end of the session. There are no refunds for missed classes. Confirmation (and cancellations if necessary) will be emailed prior to classes starting. Dates are subject to change due to unexpected school closures.

Program Director:

Master Christopher Brandt

TEMAS Executive Director:

Grandmaster Brian Manna

Manna's Martial Arts | TEMAS | KarateNet Pro Shop | Contact Us

TEMAS Martial Arts Enrichment Programs

12285B World Trade Drive, San Diego, CA 92128 | (858) 487-6470