Theme: 'A MAGICAL EVENING' GALA - MARCH 22nd, 2025
The Educational Martial Arts System (TEMAS) invites you to participate in our 12th Annual Fundraiser, this event will be held in person and through a Zoom Interactive Live Auction Experience.
Saturday, March 22nd, 2025 - Starting at 5:30PM (Pacific Standard Time) Completion by 10:30PM
This special event continues to be in direct support of the growth and development of our youth and the 'A Magical Evening' is this year's theme. This year will also be highlighted by the interaction of a close up magician with the evening participants, culminating with a stage performance to start the Live Auction.
This night will be a special event to remember, hosted by Manna s Martial Arts, Inc. The event will transform your evening.
This Adult only evening’s events will include: a closeup magic performace by Arron O'Brien, a silent auction, host bar, appetizer, dinner, desert, host Cafe Moto coffee cart and live auction entertainment. Interactive participants with a ticket may bid on Live Auction Items from home.
This year we may aligned our gala with TEMAS Gala - Child Night Out at Fandory. A local TEMAS family owned fun filled child sitting option. This option may be added on the RSVP page.
TEMAS founded 1990 and received Non-Profit Corporation status in 1992. 'A Non-Profit Corporation for the Further Enhancement of the Arts'. Supporting youth through your support and contributions.
Non profit since 1992 - 501(c)(3) Fed I.D. # 33-0497420.
We look forward to seeing each of you at our 12th Annual Fundraiser. TEMAS is proud to continue supporting our youth through positive reinforcement of the values within the martial arts for the past 36 years.
2024 Gala Fundraiser was beautiful, elegant and an amazing success. It is through the continued generosity of our families and local businesses that we are able to raise funds to provide continued growth to our Martial Arts community in the form of:
- Scholarships for martial arts tuition
- Educational development seminars and material
- Extended community outreach programs
- Provide opportunity for junior and varsity letters in Martial Arts thru The Varsity Martial Arts League (VMAL)
The In-Person 2025 TEMAS Gala will begin at 5:30 pm - 10:30 pm (pst):
- 5:20 PM Event doors opens
- 5:30 PM Silent Auction open for bidding
- 5:30 PM Host bar and Appitizers opens
- 7:00 PM Buffet dinner service begins by table
- 8:00 PM Closing of Silent Auction Items
- 8:15 PM Welcome to TEMAS Gala, The Interactive 2025 TEMAS Gala
Recognition of Gold Lifetime members - 8:15 PM Live Auction Begins
- 9:15 PM Desserts
- 10:30 PM Event Conclusion: TEMAS Moves Forward
Many members, instructors, and parents have spent countless hours working toward the success of this event. We are thankful for the support, donations and awareness provided by our local business and community donations.
Purchase your Tickets, Online Live Auction Bidding & optional Child Night Out Here: on line. Your Zoom ID & Password will be sent to you prior to the event.
Have an advertisement/ or notice send it by email the day of the event Gala Notice.
All proceeds are a tax-deductible Donation to TEMAS